Miss Ashley

Ashley Robson

Contemporary Yoga Pilates

We are excited to welcome Ashley Robson as our newest faculty team member to our 2024-25 dance season! Ashley Robson grew up as a serious competitive dancer receiving multiple scholarships and awards throughout her dance journey. Her passion for movement led her to State University of New York (SUNY Purchase NY) where she completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance. During her time at the esteemed conservatory, she was selected to study abroad in Europe at the Codarts in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Most recently, Ashley graduated from CSNN as a registered holistic nutritionist and is also a certified Pilates and Yoga instructor which adds a unique dimension to her expertise, demonstrating her holistic approach to wellness in dance. Ashley Robson's diverse background and dedication to both the art and wellness aspects of dance make her an undoubtedly a valuable addition to our team!

Damien Lavergne